Future Internet Architecture for Mobile Oriented
and Network Diversity Environment



n  Project overview

This project develops a new Future Internet Architecture that effectively supports mobile oriented environment and network diversity.



n  Goals and Functional Blocks





MOFI (Mobile Oriented Future Internet) for Mobile Environment



n  Introduction


The Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI) is a new architecture of future Internet for mobile environment. The study of MOFI is motivated from the observation that the future Internet would be evolved toward 'mobile-oriented' network environment, whereas the architecture of current Internet was historically designed for 'fixed-oriented' network environment, and thus it is inevitably subject to some architectural limitations in the viewpoint of 'mobile-oriented' future networks. This leads us to re-design of Internet architecture to effectively support the mobile-oriented future network environments.



n  Design principles




n  Architecture




w  Host ID/LOC separation for mobile environment (ó IP address as ID&LOC in Internet)

ü  Secure HID-based end-to-end communication (HID=AS + host ID)

ü  LOC can be different according to types of networks

ü  Global dynamic mapping system supports the mapping b/w HID and LOCs

w  Query-First data delivery for mobile hosts (ó Data-driven in Internet)



n  Intra-/Inter-domain and roaming scenario




n  Notable features


I.         A paradigm shift from fixed host to mobile host

II.       Host ID-Local LOC split architecture

III.    Dynamic distributed mapping system

IV.    Query-First data delivery

V.       Easy deployment





INAF (Inter-Networking  Architecture for Future networks) for Network Diversity



n  Introduction


Now a day lots of Future Internet architectures are being researched independently might have totally different protocols suites. It may results severe problems in interconnecting and interoperability issues between being researched architectures. And the current Internet itself may able to be considered as an candidate of inter-working network because the TCP and IP protocol suites were originally designed for interconnecting computer networks. With these understanding, we propose common core network based Inter-Networking Architecture for Future networks (INAF). First of all, Inter-working gateway (IGW), which is attached to core network, may lay down Future Internets in order to communication between different Future networks.



n  Design principles




n  Architecture






Project Members


n  Project Coordinator


w  Dr. Heeyoung Jung (hyjung@etri.re.kr): ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)

n  Team 1: Mobility Control (MOFI)


w  Prof. Seok Joo Koh (sjkoh@knu.ac.kr): KNU (Kyungpook National University)

w  Prof. Jae Yong Lee (jylee@cnu.ac.kr) and Prof. Byung Chul Kim (byckim@cnu.ac.kr): CNU (Chungnam National University)

w  Prof. Youn Hee Han (yhhan@kut.ac.kr): KUT (Korea University of Technology and Education)

n  Team 2: Network Diversity (INAF)


w  Prof. Yanghee Choi (yhchoi@mmlab.snu.ac.kr) and Taekyoung Kwon (tkkwon@snu.ac.kr): SNU (Seoul National University)

w  Prof. Sung Won Lee (drsungwon@khu.ac.kr): KHU (KyungHee University)

w  Prof. Sangheon Pack (shpack@korea.ac.kr): Korea University 



n  Homepage


w  http://www.mofi.re.kr



This research is supported by Korean Government

(Grant Number: KCC/KCA 10913-05004)





n  Objectives


w  We can show feasibility for MOFI

w  We can show various mobility scenario to understand what the MOFI has to provide features



n  Scenario


w  HID based communications

ü  VoD and Videoconferencing

w  Hard handover scenario

ü  VoD and Videoconferencing

w  MOFI Proxy Agent (MPA) based deployment scenario

ü  Legacy hosts (Internet hosts) can communicate with MOFI hosts through MPA

w  Handover scenario on various wireless access networks by NS-3 simulation

ü  WiFi, WiMAX, LTE, and IPv4/IPv6



n  Configuration